Schlagwort: tuning

Debian Ubuntu Laptop mods for SSD HDD and a full encrypted with luks

Major INFO 06-2015: Do not set tmpfs on ubuntu 15.XX or Systems with systemd!!! This block PC boot !! If you want to setup a Ubuntu/Debian Laptop with a full encrypted HDD use a „alternate“ CD/DVD. After Setup you have to change some little Parameters to extend the lifecycle of the SSD Chips disable Swap […]

SME Server Centos Red Hat speedup disable unneeded services sound pcmcia cpuspeed

Problem: The default installation setup some unneeded services like pcmcia or sound or cpuspeed Solution: log into your server as root run/sbin/chkconfig –list to see active services run/sbin/chkconfig –level 2345 pcmcia off to disable pcmcia cause a server does not have pcmcia edit the /etc/modprobe.conf and switch off sound-modules with alias "name-module" off run after […]

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