Schlagwort: protection

Apache MEMCACHED UDP Protection

Current a lot of sites blogging about memcached attacks on Servers here some details: Memcached Servers need a installed and running Service called „memcached“ Websites need a php-plugin like php7.0-memcached to connect via API to the memcached Service The Memcached Service uses a own Config File at debian /etc/memcached.conf By default it MUST listen to […]

Postfix: Automatic UFW Firewall Updates

If you use a Mail Server with Postfix you got daily Spam Attacks by Scripts: How to fix? Install ufw Firewall Run a Scanner Script as  cronjob On Debian/Ubuntu: Install ufw: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ufw && sudo ufw enable && sudo  ufw logging off Scan Script: sudo nano /home/user/ #!/bin/bash # […]

Security: Protection Against Cryptware Wannacry

You heard perhaps last day’s about the major problems of Attacks to Systems with the „WannaCry“ Crypto Ware Howto protect yourself? Enable the Firewall on Windows Systems!! Always! Update daily the Virus Scanners and Windows Patches! Disable and CLOSE Ports you never need! SMB Protocol is a open unencrypted Transfer Protocol! Use a second Router […]

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