Schlagwort: listing

WordPress: Get URL of all Posts

On a lot of  Blogs, Forum and Howto Pages i have read the Question: „How to get the URL of all WordPress Posts?“ If you dont want to use a external Plugin which can be a Security Hole in the CMS you can fix it with a small Workaround: Login into WordPress as Blog Admin […]

Apache: Count Visits on Console

If you use a Webserver like Apache, you can use a small script to Analyse your Logs. Create a Script with: $sudo nano /home/user/ insert: #!/bin/bash cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq -c exit 0 System Output: 1573 3568 .. If you change the „$1“ to […]

WordPress: SEO Ranking bad after setting „read more“ tags

After some weeks of cleaning up my blog, i remarked a very bad ranking from under the first 10 on google to nirvana What did i change? saved wp-login with htaccess to non-public set post content with „read more“ buttons Background: Search engine like google wasn’t able to pull content of posts which are cut […]

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