Schlagwort: knowledge

Major Tools for your IT Systems

A must „USE“ in these insecure days: nmap Portscan Tool use nmap -PN IP-Address to check failed Firewall Settings! arp-scan  Network Scan to find active devices iftop to detect traffic and used Ports on a physical network Interface! ps aux  show active processes on a Linux System htop more human friendly Process Monitor iotop human […]

Amazon AWS Howtos

Here some Bookmarks if you want to try Amazon AWS Cloud Services like S3 (Cloud File Storage), EC2 (VM Instances..) Howtos / Basics : Remark: AWS Services mostly priced by data transfers and online time! Checkout daily „Billing Monitor“ ! Amazon AWS: Remark: S3 is the Standard Cloud Storage, cheaper is S3-IA or […]

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