Monat: Oktober 2008

Automount Problem USB HDD Ubuntu Nautilus

Problem: If you use a USB HDD Disk at you Ubuntu PC and Nautilus does not Automount the disk then check the USB-HDD for „Bootable“ Flag Solution: open console run #sudo fdisk /dev/sdX (X=USB-Disk) enter p to check if no star is set for „bootable“ then enter a (set)and enter w (save) replug the USB-Disk […]

Samba Server Browsing Problem Samba Server sporadically hidden

Problem: Inside a Laboratory Farm of 5 Samba Servers sometimes one or more Servers are sporadically hidden at Windows XP Client Neighbourhood (Netzwerkumgebung), but they are still sharing the files and are still online. Or XP Clients hangs up at browsing the Local Network for some minutes. Solution: Open /etc/samba/smb.conf with Editor set domain master […]

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